Get the best out of your team.

Leading a team to move forward collectively in pursuit of a common goal is too often an uphill battle. Not anymore. Staff Performance Analysis (S.P.A) Sessions is our tried & tested 8-week program that allows salon teams to effectively overcome challenges, improve the work atmosphere and ultimately run a thriving salon business.

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Identifying Challenges

Both within our own team at Savvy Salon Club and within the 100’s of salon teams we have collaborated with, is the resistance to change.

Salon businesses are made up of creative, non-corporate individuals who need purpose & direction to thrive. As the collective success of all these individuals makes up a large proportion of the business’ success, it is in everyone’s interest to get this right.

Unfortunately, traditional appraisals or irregular meetings, which focus on what was not done, too often result in individuals feeling undervalued and deflated.

These negative emotions fuel the “Why Should I” attitude which becomes the catalyst for this cycle of resistance.

Implementing Solutions

If we can make sure our staff feels valued, that they’re truly happy at work and that the management team really does care about them as individuals, what difference could that make?

By focusing on your team and putting them first, it creates a shift in the salon culture, but always with the overall goal of the success of your business at the heart of it.

This is what we have managed to achieve with our Staff Performance Analysis (S.P.A.) Sessions Program. It has the right balance of allowing your team to feel valued and heard, whilst also being able to get them on board with the changes you want to make within your salon.

We’ve noticed the difference, and so have our clients who have implemented this in their salon.



Staff Performance Analysis



Staff Performance Analysis is an 8-week in-salon program that will help you & your management team effectively overcome challenges within the team, improve salon's culture, and ultimately run a thriving salon business. 

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By the end of the program, your team will be able to...

Focus On Their Individual Goals

Each team member will have a clearly defined purpose for coming into the salon each day, increasing happiness at work & ultimately embellishing the salon atmosphere.

Embrace Positive Changes Within the Salon's Culture

Ease management frictions by airing out any underlying tensions. As a result, the focus shifts on service and you have a happier salon. 

Work As a Team Towards Common Business Targets

Soon the team starts hitting their targets and their commission & pay increase. Ultimately, the salon finances improve, leaving you with a profitable salon and a happy team.

Consistently Follow Salon Processes

Smooth out the day-to-day management, resulting in consistently high rebooking rates and other key business metrics. The columns are well run and bills are taken correctly every time. 


 After being mentored through your first S.P.A Session program, you or your salon manager can expect to become certified. The certification confirms the salon to be self-reliant to continue using S.P.A Sessions to implement change & drive business growth.



This 8-week program is made up of one configuration meeting followed by 4 sessions of one-to-one meetings with each team member at a fortnightly interval. 


Initial 60 Minute Meeting

Together with a Savvy Salon Business Coach, the person looking to be certified in S.P.A Sessions will review the preparation and tracking documents.

Decisions are taken about the direction of the first S.P.A Session. Also discussed is how, in the future, this same process can be repeated to achieve any desired change within the business.


The first round of one-on-one meetings

Prior to starting the one-to-one meetings, the preparations for each team member are reviewed. The content of each one-to-ones is confirmed. The aim is to ensure the Savvy Salon Business Coach understands the business’ relationship with the individual. Once this is done, the Savvy Salon Business Coach delivers the first one-to-one meetings with each team member. Both the individual and the person to be certified are present. The person to be certified can have as much, or as little, input into the meeting as they would like.


The second round of one-on-one meetings

Prior to starting the one-to-one meeting, each individual’s progress, or lack of, is discussed. The delivery of each one-to-one meeting is planned. By this stage, the person looking to be certified should be participating in the one-to-ones with the Savvy Salon Business Coach.


The third round of one-on-one meetings

By this stage, there should be a clear shift in both the individual’s approach towards the business and the business’ approach towards the individual. The person looking to be certified takes the lead in the one-to-one meetings while also being supported by the Savvy Salon Business Coach. Clear steps are put in place to enable one-to-one meetings with any team member who displays a lack of progress.


The last round of one-on-one meetings

The process to successfully implement change is reviewed in each one-to-one meeting. Future progress is discussed. Copies of all material used to successfully complete the process and a step-by-step manual is provided.


I successfully implemented what they call “S.P.A sessions'' (Staff Performance Analysis). It’s completely changed how I get each team member to understand and contribute to what the business needs. To this day, it’s dramatically improved the salon atmosphere. I would highly recommend S.P.A. Sessions to any salon owner.

Karine Jackson,
Karine Jackson Sustainable Hair Salon Owner

Contact us for a free consultation

Working with us will help you get the best out of your team. 

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